Ideoita ystävänpäivälahjaksi

Ideas for a Valentine's Day gift

Valentine's Day dates back to ancient Rome. Then the spring fertility festival, Lupercalia, was celebrated. The celebration honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the god of nature.

In England, it was already believed in the 16th century that whoever came to meet on February 14th was the right one.

Here in Finland, unlike in other countries, Valentine's Day is precisely a day to remember a friend, and not so much a celebration of acknowledging romantic love. But what for a friend?

1 Make the card yourself. A self-made card is more personal than a store-bought card. You can stick a picture of you together on a self-made card, write immortal sentences along the way or tell how much a friend means to you.

2.) Knit socks. If you have manual skills, wool socks are a good and warm gift idea for everyone and always. You can weave your friend's favorite colors into wool socks.

3.) Gift card Whether your budget is zero or one hundred euros, a gift card is a good choice. You can buy a gift card at your friend's favorite store or you can make it yourself. You can add a shoulder massage, cleaning help, therapeutic company, or even a lesson in one of your skills to a self-made gift card. It can be a recitation of a poem or a recorder lesson. The thought is the most important.

4.) A friend values ​​time with you the most. A movie night together, a relaxing night or weekend, a forest trip with snacks, a skiing trip or a karaoke night. There's nothing better than a pajama party and a bowl of goodies :)

5.) Photo album. Collect photos of you over the years and make them into a photo album with fast-paced narration.

6.) Book The latest bestseller or a timeless classic. Maybe a bottle of wine and some chocolate...

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